Yoga Terms 101

As a yoga teacher I am asked what some common phrases mean. Here are my explanations.

What does “Set Your Intention” mean in yoga?

An intention in yoga is a focus, such as a few words that describe a positive affirmation. When you focus on the positive you are more likely to go in that positive direction, and a yoga class gives an opportunity to focus on what is important to you.


“Sankalpa” is similar to “intention”, except the term “Sankalpa” comes from Sanskirt and means “an intention formed by the heart and mind”. Yoga class and mediation can help you realize your heartfelt Sankalpa. I see Sankalpa as putting to words my truest nature and best self. When I do that, it strengthens my understanding and clarity of who I am. Then I can bring that back to my everyday life.


A style of yoga, “Vinyasa Yoga”, which involves movement with breath. The teacher is typically cueing not only movement with yoga postures, but also breath inhales and exhales.

Sometimes during yoga class, a teacher may cue you to “take your vinyasa” – usually that means make your way to Downward Facing Dog via the Sun Salutation steps below (or if you prefer, you can skip it and go right to Downward Facing Dog).

Sun Salutations

  1. A sequence of yoga postures which typically contains some variation of the following postures, in order:
    1. Mountain pose (Tadasana)
    2. Mountain pose with arms overhead (Urdhva Hastasana) (as you inhale)
    3. Standing Forward fold (Uttanasana) (as you exhale)
    4. Standing Half Forward Bend (Ardha Uttanasana) (as you inhale)
    5. Plank Pose (As you exhale, then take another inhale – option to drop knees here)
    6. Four-Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana) (as you exhale)
    7. Upward-Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) (as you inhale)
    8. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) (as you exhale)
    9. Look forward (as you inhale)
    10. Step to stop of your mat (as you exhale)
    11. Mountain pose with arms overhead (Urdhva Hastasana) (as you inhale)
    12. Mountain pose (Tadasana) (as you exhale)

Yoga Phrases to Spice up Your Teaching and Enhance your Practice

Here are some phrases I’ve heard in class or I’ve used myself in teaching

add expansiveness to the heart center

Nice for heart opening in camel, bridge or wheel pose.

 “full movement of your breath and energy along the front of the body

These words could apply to any posture where you are emphasizing unblocking energy allowing full energy flow along your front line, examples are camel, bridge or wheel postures.

Want to learn more about chakra’s and energy flow? Check out this post about your subtle body and yoga.

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