Hi, I’m Diana
I’m the yoga enthusiast and RYT 200 hour yoga teacher behind this site.
My Background
Although I was exposed to yoga at an early age during trips to ashrams with my parents, I started taking my practice more to heart as an adult. As a grown up, at first I was just looking for a way to counteract sitting all day at my job. For this, I began a consistent practice of hot vinyasa yoga. I couldn’t believe how much better I felt after class!
I later explored Iyengar other types of yoga with a variety of teachers. What I connected with most was the unity I felt between body, mind and spirit, regardless of the particular label or type of yoga.
I found that yoga helps me care for all 3 of these important aspects (mind, body and spirit) and helps me be my best as a mom, a wife, and in my career.
I completed my 200 hour Yoga Alliance-approved yoga teacher training in 2015. These days, I enjoy attending yoga classes with my husband at my local studio where every teacher and every day brings something new. Once in a while, even my teenage kids come along!
What to do now?
If you are here, it means you are maybe gathering information on how to get started with yoga. Or maybe you have already done quite a bit of yoga, and now you are just looking for more information.
In either case, please check out my yoga blog. I hope you enjoy the content I’ve worked so hard to put together, and that it contributes to deepening your your practice. If you have any feedback or suggestions, I can be reached at hello@justsomeyoga.com