Yoga and Sacred Geometry


Why should I Use Sacred Geometry in my Yoga Practice?

Once you start looking, you find common patterns everywhere. When you notice what nature, art, and people have in common, you start to see synchronicities and connections. The sense of being alone dissolves. Sacred Geometry reinforces our sense of oneness with everything. 

Some patterns are common throughout the universe. When you use them in your yoga practice, they help to reinforce our sense of stability, as well as connection to a universal consciousness.

The Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio is everywhere! It can be found in nature, and since ancient times in the building of beautiful temples.

The Golden Ratio is a geometrical way to represent the Fibonacci sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 …, just keep adding every number to the number before it, and you get the next number in the sequence). You see this in a spiral shape in nature.

Here are some examples of where you can see the Golden Ratio in real life: our galaxy, the seed pattern in a sunflower, the spiral leaf arrangement of an aloe plant, layered sprials of a pinecone, the

our galaxy
aloe plant

Here are a few more places you can spot the Golden Ratio:


What do all these shapes have in common? The Golden Ratio! Here is a little more explanation about what the Golden Ratio is.

What is the Golden Ratio and How is it Related to the Fibonacci Sequence?

In the drawing below, you can see both the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence. Here’s how you can see the Fibonacci Sequence:

  • 1 + 2 = 3
  • 2 + 3 = 5
  • 3 + 5 = 8
  • 5 + 8 = 13
Golden Ratio

You can also see the Golden Ratio (1.61803…) in this drawing. Just add any two numbers that are next to each other, then divide by the larger number. You will get an approximation the Golden Ratio. As get into the higher numbers, the result gets closer and closer to 1.61803

  • (1+2)/2 = 1.5
  • (2+3)/3 = 1.6666666666666666666666666666667
  • (3+5)/5 = 1.6
  • (5+8)/8 = 1.625
  • (8+13)/13 = 1.6153846153846153846153846153846

Also looking at the lines at the top of the image above, (38.22+ 61.77) / 61.77 = an approximation of the Golden Ratio.

Other patterns that are everywhere are the shapes of the platonic solids.

Platonic Solids and Sacred Geometry

You can see the platonic solids in

  • the fractal pattern of crystal growth
  • the design of pyramids
  • radiolaria zooplankton (zooplankton)
blue agate crystal
radiolaria zooplankton

Here are the “rules” about what makes a platonic solid:

  • 3D (three dimensional)
  • identical faces
  • At each vertex, there is always the same number of faces meeting (and never less than 3)
  • If you were to add up all the angles on the inside, the total is always less than 360 degrees
  • Faces only intersect at their edges

The five platonic solids

1.Tetrahedron – Fire

  • 4 faces
  • Shape of each side: Triangle
  • Overall Shape: pyramid
  • Feature:  Lowest volume with highest surface area. 
  • Chakra: Solar Plexus

2. Hexahedron – Earth

  • 6 faces
  • Shape of each side: square
  • Overall shape: cube
  • Chakra: Root

3. Octahedron –  Air

  • 8 sides
  • Chakra: Heart and throat

4. Icosahedron –  Water

  • 20 sides
  • Chakra: Sacral

5. Dodecahedron – Ether, “the 5th element”

  • 12 sides
  • Feature: Shape of the universe. High vibration.
  • Chakra: Third eye and crown chakra

All five platonic solids are contained in a metatron cube. So the metatron holds the building blocks of everything in the universe. 

The Seed of Life and the Flower of Life are precursors to Metatron’s Cube and are a part of sacred geometry. Learn how to draw them here.

Platonic Solid Nesting

The five platonic solids nest inside each other, in this order, starting from the outside going inwards:

Dodecahedron -> Hexahedraon ->Tetrahedron -> Octahedron -> Icosahedron

Platonic Solids and Crystals for Energy Healing

The tetrahedron, cube, and octahedron are structures are found naturally in crystals.

You can use the energy of the platonic solids to bring yourself into harmony and balance.  Choose the shape you feel drawn to and sense its energy. The one you feel drawn to is the one you need for rebalancing your subtle body energies.

Yantras and Sacred Geometry

You’ll find sacred geometric shapes within yatras, which are tools you can use in meditation to shift your energies in a positive way and align with the energy of the yantra.  Yantras can range greatly in physical size, they might small enough to fit in house or be an entire temple. They can be a drawing or a three dimensional rendering.

In a yantra, the point in the center is the dimension from where everything else emerges. The shapes surrounding the point hold special meanings. For example, the downward facing triangle is feminine. The lotus flower represents prosperity.

Tree of Life Yantra

How Can I Use Sacred Geometry in my Yoga Practice?

You can embody these universal patterns in your yoga practice. Check out my article about geometric shapes you can use in your yoga practice. Tie in certain shapes to your yoga practice as you pursue a desired outcome or something specific in your life. Sacred geometry links the spiritual together with the physical world. 

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